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After Social Login Page Does Not Refresh Updated FREE

After Social Login Page Does Not Refresh

HTTP status codes provide data almost whether an online asking was successful, and if non, what the error is. Simply the error messages aren't always clear. This is especially the case for the "500 Internal Server Mistake." This message indicates that an error has occurred during connectedness to the server and that the requested page cannot be accessed. However, it won't tell you lot exactly why this is the case. Fortunately, there are dissimilar methods for finding the cause. We point out typical error sources and give tips on what to practise if you lot encounter the HTTP error 500.

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What does the internal server error mean?

Using status codes, the web server tells an internet user'southward browser (client) whether a asking (i.e. accessing a website) was successful or not. If the browser receives the 200 status code, it knows that everything went well. All the same, the user never sees this bulletin since the requested content appears instead. The situation is different with the 400 and 500 condition codes. While the former point client errors, the latter are server-related. The Internal Server Error 500 is a commonage status code for server errors. Therefore, at first glance, it is not possible to make up one's mind where the error actually lies. The user only knows that the server has reported an unexpected error.

All the same, if the server has installed Microsoft Internet Information Services (Microsoft IIS), the fault code volition be specified. Decimal places indicate the crusade of the error in more detail:

  • 500.0: Module or ISAPI error occurred.
  • 500.11: Application is shutting downwards on the web server.
  • 500.12: Awarding is decorated restarting on the web server.
  • 500.thirteen: Spider web server is likewise busy.
  • 500.15: Straight requests for global.asax are not allowed.
  • 500.19: Configuration data is invalid.
  • 500.21: Module not recognized.
  • 500.22: An ASP.NET httpModules configuration does not employ in Managed Pipeline style.
  • 500.23: An ASP.NET httpHandlers configuration does not employ in Managed Pipeline way.
  • 500.24: An ASP.Cyberspace impersonation configuration does not apply in Managed Pipeline manner.
  • 500.l: A rewrite error occurred during RQ_BEGIN_REQUEST notification treatment. A configuration or inbound rule execution error occurred.
  • 500.51: A rewrite error occurred during GL_PRE_BEGIN_REQUEST notification treatment. A global configuration or global rule execution error occurred.
  • 500.52: A rewrite fault occurred during RQ_SEND_RESPONSE notification handling. An outbound rule execution occurred.
  • 500.53: A rewrite error occurred during RQ_RELEASE_REQUEST_STATE notification treatment. An outbound rule execution error occurred. The rule is configured to be executed earlier the output user cache gets updated.
  • 500.100: Internal ASP error.

What are the causes of error 500?

The "Internal Server Fault" can occur when the request is processed by the web server. The collective status code includes everything unplanned that can happen on the server and prevent the website from being loaded. The server error 500 probably happens because an fault has occurred in the configuration of the web server. Here is a selection of typical error sources:

  • Permission mistake: The permissions of the master files and folders are not set correctly.
  • PHP timeout: The script tries to admission an external resource and experiences a timeout.
  • Wrong code in .htaccess: The structure in a .htaccess file could be wrong.
  • Error in syntax or code in CGI/Perl scripts: In some cases, scripts are incorrect. Paths, peculiarly, can be misaligned.
  • PHP retentiveness limit: A process exceeds retentiveness and therefore cannot exist executed correctly.

In the case of WordPress sites or other content management systems, installing a faulty or incompatible extension can also be the cause. Plugins and themes – peculiarly from third-party providers – can bear upon the entire website.

How can website operators fix the 500 Internal Server Fault?

Are your website visitors merely seeing the 500 server error? Equally an operator, y'all should tackle the problem apace because non only will this scare off your visitors, simply it could also mean that Google will lower your ranking. Earlier you accept action, first check whether your server is still running. If not, contact your hosting provider every bit soon as possible.

If at that place is an internal error, the showtime pace is to view the log files. For Linux servers, the collection of error letters should exist institute at /var/log/httpd/error_log. It makes sense to reload the website to reproduce the HTTP error 500 lawmaking and observe how the log file is being created. This will aid you find the source of the error quite quickly. Besides consider which changes were made shortly before. In many cases, incorrectly programmed or incompatible plugins are the cause of fault messages.

Errors tin can also occur if you accept not set permissions correctly for important files. In full general, there are iii types of rights:

  • Read (r)
  • Write (w)
  • Execute (x)

These permissions can be assigned for three unlike user types:

  • Owner of the file
  • Grouping of users
  • All others

The rights are specified either in the abbreviations r, w, and x, or in corresponding numerical values: iv for read, 2 for write, and 1 for execute. They are added for each user type and specified one afterwards the other: rwxr-xr-x (rwx for the owner, r-x for the group, and r-x for all others) or 755. This configuration (755) should be the default setting. If the permission consignment is prepare differently, an error may occur. You can change this with a control:

If this change does not solve the problem, you tin can also release all rights for each group for test purposes:

But merely utilize this setting to locate the problem. Any user is allowed to rewrite the file, which is understandably a security risk.

Next, check (if distributing the rights didn't produce the error bulletin) if your scripts are running correctly. Sometimes errors occur because the script files have been moved, renamed, or deleted. Also check the .htaccess file: even a syntax mistake – no thing how small – tin can crusade an internal server error. An every bit mutual error is incorrectly formatting the .htaccess file. This must be created in ASCII or ANSI format, not in Unicode. Therefore, write the file in a text editor such as Notepad, Notepad++, or Sublime Text, and not in a word processing program such equally Microsoft Discussion. To test whether the file is responsible for the error, y'all can temporarily rename information technology and reload the website. The server now won't access .htaccess when loading the website. If you lot no longer receive the error message, you can repair the file or create a new 1.

A timeout tin can too lead to an error message. In this instance, it isn't a web server error, just rather an interrupted connection to an external source. Are PHP scripts on your website set to access resources from other servers? Maybe the resource is no longer available or server advice is down for another reason. One way to eliminate this source of mistake is of class to non make your site dependent on external resource. If this is non possible, you lot tin can increase the time limit of your script. Information technology also makes sense to implement efficient error treatment so that errors in the PHP script can be detected more accurately.

Could it be that the memory is overloaded? The memory limit determines how much retention a process may use. If more RAM is needed than is available, this could result in an internal server error. You can increment the limit as a temporary solution. To do this, add a command like this to php.ini:

In this example, you would set the retentivity provided to 512MB. Note, however, that your hosting provider will merely allow yous a certain PHP script limit within the parcel that you lot've booked. If you enter a college value, the spider web server will ignore it. Raising the limit is only a temporary solution: once your site is upwardly and running again, y'all should look for the reason for the high RAM usage. There is a high probability that the error tin can be found in the code of your website.

If none of these methods offer you a solution, it is a good idea to contact your hosting provider. Before doing so, you can check the status of the servers: many hosting service providers will report the status of their servers via a condition page or inform users via social media if a problem has occurred.


IONOS likewise has a condition page where the hosting service'south customers are informed about current problems.

How should internet users respond to an HTTP error 500?

Equally a website visitor, at that place is little you can do if yous see an internal server fault. The web server on which the target website is located has an wrong configuration. This means that there is no fault in your PC settings or the network connexion settings. Therefore, the easiest solution for you as an net user is usually to reload the page again later. On the one hand, information technology is possible that the webmaster has already corrected the error. This is very likely, especially with large providers. On the other hand, information technology could be that you're trying to access the website at an inconvenient fourth dimension for the spider web server. If you lot've chosen the exact moment that the service is rebooting, the fault bulletin volition be displayed fifty-fifty though everything is going to plan.


If you are confronted with the error message when ordering online, y'all must not reload the webpage, since you can't see where the error occurred. Information technology could be that the confirmation folio failed to load, just the arrangement has already accepted your order. Refreshing the page could therefore lead to a duplicate lodge.

It is also possible that an extreme increment in page views has brought the server downwardly all all of a sudden. This trouble is usually solved within a few seconds – unless the website is permanently overloaded. If you however receive the error bulletin subsequently refreshing the folio, y'all should first clear your browser's cache. The browser may not really reload the website, simply utilize its internal memory instead. Later on emptying the cache, effort again to admission the website.

If the "500 Internal Server Error" is still being displayed, you simply have no other choice, but to await for the website operator to solve the problem. There is, still, a piffling trick you can employ in order to access the contents of the website. If yous are non dependent on the latest state of the (functioning) page, you can admission the Google cache. If you enter the command cache: followed past the relevant URL in the Google search bar, you can access an before – hopefully still working – version of the website. Withal, you won't really be surfing the page, you volition merely be navigating inside the copy on the Google server.

If you take to go back even further in the past, it may be worth taking a look at the Wayback Machine. At that place you can sometimes observe older versions of websites that are fifty-fifty decades old.

If the website y'all want to visit is not accessible for a longer time, you can of course contact the webmaster. They may not even know that visitors are unable to access their site, which is why they will exist grateful to be told.

After Social Login Page Does Not Refresh



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